Caned y genedl gyfiawn

(Ac yno y bydd Barn, etc.)
Caned y genedl gyfiawn
    ddaeth Iesu i'w rhyddhau,
Mi wela'r dydd yn dyfod
    y derfydd galar rhai;
  Mae f'enaid gwan yn credu
      cyn hir yr ochor draw,
  Ym mhlith y dorf aneirif
      caf delyn yn fy llaw.

Pan droir yr haul yn d'wyllwch
    a'r lleuad wen yn waed,
Y ddaear fawr gwmpasog
    i grynu dan fy nhraed;
  A ser y nef i syrthio
      o eitha'r nen i lawr,
  Pob llygad wel fy Mhriod
      yn dyfod fel y wawr.

Arch-angel gân pryd hynny
    ne's crynu'r ddaear ddu,
Y floedd a glyw y meirw
    wy'n gorwedd yn y bru;
  Eu llwch er maned ydyw
      rhaid codi a d'od ynghyd,
  Gwyn fyd a wela'i Mhriod
      ar fyrr yn barnu'r byd.

Y beddau tywyll egyr
    oll ar y foreu wawr,
Y seintiau'n anllygredig
    gyfodant fach a mawr;
  Ar wedd Tywysog heddwch,
      heb un dan glwyf na phoen,
  'Does tafod all fynegi
      rhagorfraint gwraig yr Oen.

Y cariad 'rwyf fi'n deimlo
    at Silo Brenin hedd,
Sy'n peri'm cnawd a'm hesgyrn
    hiraethu am y bedd;
  Perffeithrwydd glân dibechod
      feddianna'i draw ynhref,
  Gwynfyd a wela'i Mhriod
      fry ar gymhylau'r nef.

Had Jacob ddaw pryd hynny
    o eithaf cyrrau'r byd,
Gorllewin, Gogledd, Dehau,
    a'r Dwyrain oll ynghyd;
  A'u t'lynau yn eu dwylo,
      mewn disglair ynau gwyn,
  I ganu o'r Oen fu farw
      ar ben Calfaria fryn.

Bydd torf aneirif yno
    o bob rhyw lwyth ac iaith,
Na fedr tafod rifo
    i drag'wyddoldeb maith;
  Rhif tywod mân y moroedd,
      neu'r aml ser sydd fry,
  Gwynfyd a wela'i Mhriod
      yn dyfod gyd â'i lu.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo 1764
- - - - -
(A hwy a ddechreuesant fod yn llawen)
Caned y genedl gyfiawn,
  Daeth Iesu i'w rhyddhau;
Mi wela'r dydd yn dyfod,
  Y derfydd ei holl wae:
Mae f'enaid gwan yn oredu
  Ar fyr yr ochr draw,
Y'mhlith y dorf aneirif,
  Cai delyn yn fy llaw.

Ar fyr câf rodio'r llwybr,
  Na ddeuaf byth yn ol,
Mi rof ffarwel drag'wyddol,
  I'r holl forwynion ffol:
Dedwyddwch mawr di-ddarfod,
  Sydd uchod i barhau,
O f'enaid dechreu ganu,
  Mae'r amser yn nesau.

Ymado wnaf â'r babell,
  'Rwy'n trigo ynddi'n awr
Colofnau'r tŷ ddattodir,
  Fe'i cwympir oll i lawr;
A pob gwahan-glwyf ymaith
  Glân fuddugoliaeth mwy,
'Rwy'n canu wrth gofio'r bore,
  Na welir arnai glwy.

Dyma y lle bydd canu,
  Gan seintiau hyfryd sain;
Rhyfeddod fydd fy 'ngweled,
  Yn canu gydâ'r rhai'n:
Rhyfeddod nef a daear,
  Fydd gweled un mor ddu,
Yn wyn heb un brycheuyn,
  Y'mlith y nefol lu.

Teilwng yw'r Oen a laddwyd,
  O'r holl ogoniant mawr,
Trwy ganol nef y nefoedd,
  Ac yma ar y llawr;
Pan elo'r holl greadigaeth,
  Yn ulw gan y tân.
Teilyngdod Iesu drosof,
  Fydd fy nhrag'wyddol gân.
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

Tonau [7676D]:
Culmstock (<1825)
  Shrewsbury (<1829)

  Agorodd ddrws i'r caethion
  Ar fyr caf rodio'r llwybr
  Fy rhan yw'r Oen fu farw
  Teilwng yw'r Oen a laddwyd

(And then shall be Judgment, etc.)
Let the righteous nation sing
    Jesus came to free it,
I see the day coming
    when the mourning of some will cease;
  My weak soul is believing
      before long on yonder side,
  Amongst the innumerable throng
      I will get a harp in my hand.

When the sun is to be turned into darkness
    and the white moon into blood,
The great fallen earth
    to tremble under my feet;
  And the stars of heaven to fall
      from the extremity of the sky down,
  Every eye shall see my Spouse
      coming like the dawn.

An arch-angel will sing at that time
    until the black earth trembles,
The shout the dead will hear
    who are lying in the womb;
  Their dust although fine it is
      must rise and come together,
  Blessed one who sees his Spouse
      shortly judging the world.

The dark graves will open
    all on the morning dawn,
The saint incorruptible
    shall rise small and great;
  On the face of the Prince of peace,
       with none under disease or pain,
  No tongue can express the privilege
      of the bride of the Lamb.

The love I am feeling
    towards Shiloh the King of peace,
Is causing my flesh and my bones
    to long for the grave;
  Holy, sinless perfection
      belongs yonder in the town,
  Blessed one who sees his Spouse
      above on the clouds of heaven.

The seed of Jacob will come at that time
    from the furthest corners of the world,
West, North, South,
    and the East all together;
  With their harps in their hands,
      in shining white robes,
  To sing of the Lamb who died
      on the summit of Calvary hill.

There will be an innumerable throng there
    of every kind of tribe and language,
That no tongue can number
    to a vast eternity;
  The number of the seas' fine sand, or the
      multitudinous stars that are above,
  Blessed one who sees his Spouse
      coming with his host.
- - - - -
(And those who had begun shall be joyful)
Let the righteous nation sing
  Jesus came to his freedom;
I see the day coming,
  All its woe shall end:
My weak soul is believing
  Shortly on yonder side,
Amongst the innumerable throng,
  I shall have a harp in my hand.

Shortly I shall get to walk the path,
  I shall never come back,
I will bid an eternal farewell,
  To all the foolish virgins:
Great, unending happiness,
  Shall be above to endure,
O my soul begin to sing,
  The time is drawing near.

Leave I shall this tent,
  I am dwelling in now
The pillars of the house shall be undone,
  They shall all fall down;
And every leprosy away
  Pure victory evermore,
I am singing on remembering the morning
  No illness is to be seen on me.

Here's the place there'll be singing,
  By saints a lovely sound;
A wonder it will be to see me,
  Singing with them:
A wonder of heaven and earth,
  It will be to see one so black,
White without any spot,
  Amongst the heavenly host.

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain,
  Of all the great glory,
Through the centre of the heaven of heaven,
  And here on the earth;
When the whole creation goes
  To ashes by the fire,
The worthiness of Jesus for me,
  Shall be my eternal song.
tr. 2015,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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